On Saturday afternoon, I ventured into Smitty’s Cinema for a viewing of “Lone Survivor”, which is the biopic story of Marcus Luttrell’s team from Navy SEAL Team 10 and their harrowing tale of Operation Red Wings. The movie, directed by Peter Berg, is adapted from Luttrell’s “Lone Survivor” memoir, which was co-authored by Patrick Robinson.

After being dropped off via helicopter, the men navigate
the treacherous terrain until they eventually arrive at a spot in which they
can view their target. Their problems begin when they have difficulty
establishing contact with their headquarters. They are then discovered by a
group of goat herders that is sympathetic to the Taliban fighters at the bottom
of the hillside. They capture the herders, only to argue over what should be
done with them given their situation. LT Murphy makes the command decision to
let them go and to retreat back to an area where their radio and satellite
phone may work. Before they can make it away, however, a large group of Taliban
fighters find them and pin the SEALs down before they can communicate their
From this event, Dietz, Axelson, and Luttrell were all
awarded the Navy Cross, the Navy’s second highest award for valor. Dietz and
Axelson’s awards were posthumous, as both men were killed in the assault. LT
Michael Murphy was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his bravery
that day, as he knowingly sacrificed his life by placing himself in an open
position, exposed to the enemy, to make the call to higher command.
Following the deaths of his teammates, Luttrell, although
terribly wounded, managed to make it to a point where peaceful villagers saved
and protected him from the Taliban until United States forces rescued him.
This movie is, hands down, the best war movie since
“Saving Private Ryan”. Personally, I can’t imagine how someone could live
through such an event. Luttrell put it all out there for the common man to see,
as if to say, “See, America? This is the type of stuff the military contends
with!” I was fortunate enough during my service that I never had to go through
any sort of ordeal like the SEALs of Operation Red Wings. I have seen the
aftermath of the battles in war, however, and it is hell. There is no
glamorization of war in this movie.
The movie is rated R for language and violence. I almost
brought my 14-year-old daughter to see this with me, but afterwards, I was glad
I didn’t. Some kids can handle the type of brutal violence that this movie
contains, but most can’t. This is a movie based on real events and sticks close
enough to the story that Luttrell himself makes an appearance at the beginning
of the film.
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